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Donald asks…

What crystals, stones, or minerals shouldn't be placed in salt water?

If anybody knows a list off the top of their head it would be really helpful. Particularly out of these crystals: garnet, quartz crystal, citrine, bloodstone, moonstone, carnelian, malachite, blue agate.

If you know of any others that shouldn't be placed in water for whatever reason please let me know. Thanks!

Also if you do work with crystals - how often to you cleanse them and how often would you leave them in salt water if this is your method of cleansing? I know that it would depend on what they've been used for etc but I mean in general.
To Wiccan Witches' answer - I would want to put them in salt water 'in the first place' because salt representing earth cleanses just as water does.

admin answers:

I do not know off the top of my head. However, I don't think putting any of those stones in salt water will harm them unless you plan to leave them there for days. But the few minutes it takes to do a simple cleansing should be fine.

I prefer to pour water over them, or hold them beneath running water. It seems clear to imagine the running water cleaning off the negative energy and carrying it away, rather then them sitting in stagnant water. I have one of those little fountains you plug in that I use for small things. A pitcher and a bowl to catch the water in works just as well.

And if you are worried about the salt hurting the stones, just rinse them with clean water after and dry them off.

Robert asks…

What is this stone/gem called? The second stone, more preferably. I know the first one is blue lace agate.

By the way, if you have happen to know what website these came from, I'd love to know! ^^ Thank you in advance 😉

admin answers:

The gem is most likely polished amber or another stone made of sap. I not it may be just a rock that had a pretty inside.

Sandra asks…

how do you make a hole bigger in gemstone beads?

i need to make the holes big enough to fit hemp string into, but the gemstone beads are made for stringing onto wire.
do i have to go get it specially done by a jeweler of something? if so, how much would that be?

and if i were to do it at home, how?
here is a list of the types of gemstones, if that matters to how i would do it:

blue lace agate
boji stone
lapis lazuli
moss agate
petrified wood
rose quartz
tiger eye
tree agate
tiger eye

i know thats a long list, but im probably not getting every single getting most, though.
i just dont want to try and make a bigger hole and end up ruining the beads
yeah i know it wont look like its supposed to...i just kinda wanna try it. what kind of screw thingy doi put in the drill?

admin answers:

That would be very difficult. Even if you had the right kind of drill and some sort of tiny vice to hold them, you might crack them. If you do this you will need to wear safety goggles and a mask like surgeons wear. You don't want gemstone dust in your lungs.

This is what I do to add beads with small holes to hemp: get either thin plastic coated wire that is made for beading, or fishing line. Start with the number of hemp strands you would normally use, and tie it very firmly into the starting knot. As you are knotting, keep the extra line with the inner hemp strand so it won't show. When you want to add a bead, knot the line around the inner hemp strand for more strength, add a bead, knot again, then carry on as usual.

Ruth asks…

Crystals/Gems(Selling them) How much i would get?

1. Amethyst -
2. Tigers eye -
3. Citrine -
4. Blue Lace Agate -
5. Geode -

Could you please tell me how much i would roughly get for each one. Thanks (eg. 1. £10). I have roughly 200 crystals and am just wanting a rough idea how much i would get in total for them all.

admin answers:

Most of what you've posted here are only worth about fifty cents, maybe seventy-five. I don't know what that translates into British money, but it ain't much. The material underneath tells me they are only about an inch across; common tumbled stones. The Citrine crystal point isn't worth much more than a buck or two ($1-$2) unless you find a "New Age" nut who just has to have it. The most interesting is the geode, but it has a pearl glued to the crystal; that indicates it's not a high grade specimen and was sold as a knick-knack. Looks to be about 3 - 4" across so I'd say between $5 and $10, maybe $15.

Mark asks…

A question about Chakra crystals?

I bought a set of 7 basic crystals in a pouch

White Howlite, Amethyst, Blue Lace Agate, Green Aventurine, Citrine, Red Jasper,and Black Obsidian

Included are also 2 Snow Quartz crystals for crystal cleansing.

Do I need to keep one or both of the Snow Quartz in the pouch with the others? I'm not sure how to use these so at the moment I just have the other 7 crystals in the pouch. I keep them in my pocket and under my pillow at night.

There was an information leaflet included but it dosen't mention anything about the cleansing crystals

admin answers:

All crystals can be cleansed by holding them under running water, preferably natural and not from the tap.Do this after every use or if others have held them. After washing, dry them gently with a soft cloth and they will be cleansed when you put them back in the pouch ready for the next use.

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