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Stamp Collecting

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Stamps as an Investment

and your Return On Investment

Looking for collectible stamps? Find a great deal on collectible, rare, stamps at

Investing in collectible postage stamps in order to realize a monetary profit, is a relatively recent phenomenon. Stamp collecting has long had a reputation of being unprofitable monetarily and therefore, just a hobby, especially for most beginning collectors; however, investing in stamps is growing in popularity among more advanced collectors. Rare stamps are among the most portable of tangible investments, and are not as difficult to maintain and store as some others. They offer an attractive alternative to art, other collectible investments such as automobiles, and precious metals. Also, for those sceptical of investing in mutual funds or individual stocks, stamps may offer the experienced collector/investor with perhaps a method of profiting from their growth in value.

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Stamp Collection ALL non UK x60
Stamp Collection ALL non UK x60
$12.46 (  Bids)
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Buy It Now for only: Buy It on eBay for only: $12.46
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vintage stamp collection
vintage stamp collection
$1,500.00 (  Bids)
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Buy It Now for only: Buy It on eBay for only: $1,500.00
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CANADA Mint Stamp Collection mounted on Minkus pagesbinder NOT included
CANADA Mint Stamp Collection mounted on Minkus pagesbinder NOT included
$30.00 ( 9 bids) Bids)
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$1,121.54 (  Bids)
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Buy It Now for only: Buy It on eBay for only: $1,121.54
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Rare And Collectable Stamp Collection
Rare And Collectable Stamp Collection
$10.00 (  Bids)
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Buy It Now for only: Buy It on eBay for only: $10.00
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nystamps Canada large much VF XF old stamp collection album high value a20jw
nystamps Canada large much VF XF old stamp collection album high value a20jw
$27.62 ( 7 bids) Bids)
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Stamp collection United Nations Postal Administration set B sealed pack
Stamp collection United Nations Postal Administration set B sealed pack
$7.48 (  Bids)
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Buy It Now for only: Buy It on eBay for only: $7.48
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Old Vintage Stamp Collection
Old Vintage Stamp Collection
$25.00 (  Bids)
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Canada Heritage Stamp Collection Mint condition stamps and display cards
Canada Heritage Stamp Collection Mint condition stamps and display cards
$21.92 (  Bids)
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Buy It Now for only: Buy It on eBay for only: $21.92
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GB All reigns 1075 different stamp collection
GB All reigns 1075 different stamp collection
$14.95 (  Bids)
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Buy It Now for only: Buy It on eBay for only: $14.95
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Old Argentina Stamp Collection Antique Stamps
Old Argentina Stamp Collection Antique Stamps
$1.23 (  Bids)
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Buy It Now for only: Buy It on eBay for only: $1.23
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nystamps Canada large many mint stamp collection Scott album page w better a28kj
nystamps Canada large many mint stamp collection Scott album page w better a28kj
$31.07 ( 8 bids) Bids)
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