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Joseph asks…

where can i buy semi-precious stones online?

Im looking to buy semi-precious gemstones online, like in quantity
:im looking for :Turquoise, hematite, chrysocolla, tiger's-eye
:Quartz, tourmaline, :carnelian pyrite, :sugilite,Malachite,rose quartz, snowflake obsidian, moss agate

if you cold give me a website that would be great!
:Jasper, amethyst, :blue lace agate, :lapis lazuli ect

admin answers:

Try these links

Mandy asks…

Any Rockhounds on here?

If so...j/w where y'all are from? and what do you guys specialize or look for the most.

For me, I'm in MT and smoky quartz crystals is my fav. but I have a lot of other minerals including rhodochrosite ( oh ya baby.) and also proud to be one of very few (less than 5) who know where both of the ONLY 2 spots in the state for MT Blue Agate. 🙂

admin answers:

Hello there,

I used to be a rockhound. Have not done any collecting in a while. I used to travel a fair amount and found places to hunt where ever I went. Please feel free to send me a message if you want, there is an email link in my profile.


Ruth asks…

Help With a Mineral Identification?

I own a few stones which, in my opinion, are the most beautiful of the mineral collection that I have. However, I have not been able to put a particular name to these ones.

They are a grayish periwinkle color, which look very solid when setting down (as in not see-through.) However, when held up to the light, they are presented as a pretty amber color which is very easily seen through, other than the natural 'bands' in the stone, and other solid blemishes. One of the stones has a large, solid milky-white spot on it which isn't translucent when put up to the light.

I also have a couple other stones which seem to be mainly the same grayish periwinkle color, however are distinctly less see-through. These also have some rather unnatural-looking color spots, such as a vivid pink.

I have suspected that these may be blue agate, however I don't know if blue agate is see-through or ever has these strange pink blemishes.

The ones with the pink blemishes may be an entirely different mineral altogether. What I would mainly like identified is the first two stones described, and if possible, an identification of both.

The first two stones described:

First two stones described held in light:

Second stones described (with pink blemishes):
(Held in light):

Thanks in advance.

admin answers:

Both stones appear to be agate (pics. Are a little fuzzy). The second stone has been artificially stained as that shade of pink does not occur in nature. Agate is relatively easy to stain due to the fact it is slightly porous and many of the strongly coloured examples seen in shops have been treated in this way.
Hope that helps a little.

Sharon asks…

Using crystal healing?

I'm going to a metaphysical store near me tomorrow when I get off work, and mostly will be picking up some crystal stones for chakra healing and other purposes.

The one's I'm looking at for chakra healing are:
Root: Ruby
Sacral: Calcite
Solar Plexus: Citrine or Topaz
Heart: Emerald
Throat: Blue Agate
Brow: Lapis Lazuli or sapphire
Crown: Purple ameythyst or clear quartz

Also, I'm going to be getting some to make a necklace out of to aid in certain abilities as well as heal throughout the day. From my research, I plan on these for now:

Agate (for stress), amber (to rid negativity), celestite (to aid in astral travel), danburite (to increase spiritual awareness), moldavite (for spiritual growth), prehnite (meditation tool), smoky quarts (protect energetic field), sugalite, tiger's eye, angelite, sapphire ( all to aid in psychic development), topaz (to re-energize), variscite (to aid in deep meditation).

I don't know if they will have all of those, but I wrote them down and will take the paper with me to get what they have. My question is, is there anything additional anyone else would recommend?

Also, for cleansing them before use I plan to use incense and just brush the smoke around them, probably frankincense. Is there a better incense to use for this purpose, or would sage be a better choice, or something completely different? I tried to do a very thorough search on it all, I'm just looking for any other suggestions that may improve how well they work.
Thanks harpertara for the serious answer. I posted this here instead of R&S to hopefully avoid the types of answers the first 3 gave, but whatever.

Penn and Teller obviously had a biased view before going into it, therefore, their mind was made up before they gave it an honest effort. So I would rather not waste my time watching that. I'm new to crystal healing, but not really all that new to the spirit side. I know it exist from my own experiences, two idiots who have some TV show aren't going to change my mind.

admin answers:

Bloodstone is good for physical health. Hematite is good for deflecting negative energy and protection in general.
Sage would be best to use for cleansing. I would suggest dipping them in salt water also, then rinse with clear, blessed water. Then use the smoke.

David asks…

Ok, so I just ordered these stones from the mail & I want to know how to cleanse & charge them.?

The stones are: Red Tiger's Eye(brownish-red), Carnelian(orange), Citrine(yellow), (which I did a short questionnaire about me and my birth sign(Aries) & when finished, it said that Citrine was my ideal stone(lucky charm)for my sign, next stone is: Aventurine(green), Blue Agate(blue), Sodalite(indigo), and Amethyst(puprle).
Can someone tell me how do I cleanse these? I have went to websites and they mostly say things like pouring salt over them, for how long I dont know, or soaking it in a solution of salt water,and/or vinegar, or running it under warm water and putting it in the sun for a couple of hours.
So how am I suppose to do cleanse them? I want to do it right. And how am I suppose to charge them?
I want to get the most out of my stones so I want to make sure Im doing it right.
And does anyone know of a true website I can go to to find out what these stones are used for and the meanings of them?
Any help, anyboby??
Non-believers move on, please.
I have another picture that I cant put the link on here but its on Flickr.
I dont know what this is either but go to Flickr and its under tags: stones, green or statue. Someone give me some help on this please. Thanks so much.

admin answers:

Citrine is known as a powerful cleanser and regenerator. It is known for its property to bring all good things to you. It is one of the most powerful quartz stones and is often used to balance your chakras and offers great healing properties as well. This is one of few stones that you do not need to cleanse regularly because of its ability to balance and to cleanse. Still, if you would like to cleanse it, you could rinse it, set it in sunlight for a few days, or even hold it and concentrate on sending healing energy into it and clearing it of unnecessary energy. If you wish to charge it, write down your intent, hold it, and concentrate on sending that intent into the stone. Holding stones, even as you sleep can both connect them with your energy and help to calm or take away unwanted energy, or bring healing consistent with their properties.

Red Tiger's Eye is a protective stone and is a good stone to carry with you. It helps to accomplish goals, promotes clarity and helps to ground you. It is also a balancing stone, but it needs regular cleansing. Like Citrine, you can place it in the sun, bury it, rinse it, or simply hold it and concentrate on cleansing it and/or programming it. Be creative and listen to your intuition.

Carnelian is a stabilizer, anchoring you in the present reality. It helps you trust yourself and your perceptions and activates the base chakra. (This means that if you have problems standing up for yourself or you find it hard to make decisions because when others are around you tend to wish to please them, then it will help to stabilize that chakra so you can be more forceful when it comes to you. Not in a bad way, just have more strength). Cleanse it the same way as the others.

One warning, though, concerning cleansing stones. Quartz, such as clear, smokie, amethyst, etc. Should not be placed in the sun for long, if at all, because they tend to change. I have a perfectly beautiful amethyst that is now ametrine. If you leave a stone in the sun long enough, it will start to turn yellow like citrine and develop some of citrine's properties. If you like your amethyst purple, without yellow strings or spots inside of it, you might not want to put it in the sun. I don't think that it would affect carnelian or tiger's eye, though.

I am not sure about websites, but I do know that has several people who have tremendous knowledge and experience with stones, healing, etc. And would love to answer any questions. The reference I used to answer this is, "The Crystal Bible" by Judy Hall, and my own experience with stones, (I have several now, including the ones you have mentioned). Another very good resource you might try is "Crystal Enlightenment", but I can't remember the author's name.

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