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Charles asks…

In to Helen by Edgar Allen Poe, what does "The agate lamp within thy hand!" translate to?

What does that supposed to mean can anyone give me a romanticized version of it??

admin answers:

Edgar Allan Poe wrote “To Helen” as a reflection on the beauty of Mrs. Jane Stith Stanard, of Richmond, Va., who died in 1824. She was the mother of one of Poe’s school classmates, Robert Stanard. When Robert invited Edgar, then 14, to his home (at 19th and East Grace Streets in Richmond) in 1823, Poe was greatly taken with the 27-year-old woman, who is said to have urged him to write poetry. He was later to write that she was his first real love.

An agate is a variety of chalcedony (kal SED uh ne), a semiprecious translucent stone with colored stripes or bands. The marbles that children shoot with a flick of the thumb are usually made of agate (although some imitations are made of glass).

Linda asks…

In to Helen by Edgar Allen Poe, what does "The agate lamp within thy hand!" translate to?

What does that supposed to mean can anyone give me a romanticized version of it??

admin answers:

What the heck do you mean by "a romanticized version of it"?

Agate is a kind of stone. The phrase means "the lamp, which is made out of agate, that you are carrying in your hand."

Ken asks…

Real black agate???

I bought a black agate bracelet from a shop and i would like to know how to determine whether it is a genuine black agate? The one i bought is black color stone with white stripes (some with white/black spot). I found that the stipes were not only on the surface of the stone but 'inside' the drilled hole, which means if i cut the stone along the stipes, i will see white surface on the cutting edge if you know what i mean. Does this indicate genuine black agate? Please help.


admin answers:

Agate can be dyed by letting solutions of pigments permeate the interstices between the proto-crystallites - I have two blue-dyed quadrants of an agate on my bookshelf which probably owe their color to cobalt solution. I have no idea what mix of pigments would be needed for dying agate black.

Dark grey agate is quite common, with bands of lighter grey or even white, and occasionally rust colored bands. My blue agate still has those lighter bands, with the white ones pretty much unaffected by the dye.

Richard asks…

what is the meaning of this dream?

i know dreams have meaning to them i hope someone can help me with this

i've always had a dream of my back yard laying on the wooden dock floor while peaking into the bay. i usually do this in real life but the difference in my dream is that i can't see the bay floor. it's like an endless sea and i see dolphins whales, whale sharks and a lot of sharks. i enjoy the nice sea creatures that swim by but most of the time the sharks are around and i'm usually scared through out the dream... other times i'm crossing a old wooden bridge over the same endless sea and there is something big and dark in the water that wants to eat me.

i'm not scared of sharks (only if i'm in the water and they are hungry) and i'm not scared of the sea ... only when i can't see whats in it.. so i don't understand why i'm always scared in my dream.

just last night i had the same type of dream again but this time my boyfriend was standing close by and i was fishing with a net (which i don't care for fishing at all) but i was pretty good at it, then a big dark thing appeared and went straight to the dock it stuck it's head out trying to take a bit out of the net i was pulling up then it started floating on the water. 2 times the size of a great-white, the thing was like a giant dark (almost a black agate color) deformed fat shark. as if it had a hunchback with it's spine nearly ripping through it's skin. and the eyes looked big and white (like those scary deep sea fishes) and huge sharp teeth. i wasn't scared this dream i just looked at it. my boyfriend told me that i had 2 of it's babies in my net and to let them go and to slowly move away. then i woke up... i think that shark is the same dark thing i always see in my other dreams that i'm always scared of .....

can anyone tell me the meaning of the endless sea that i'm scared of in my back yard ?
and if there is a meaning to the ugly dark shark? and does it mean i'm over the fear since i finally saw it?

... sorry for the long explanation.. can you help me?

admin answers:

The endless sea is something big I almost want to say a talent or a gift and you are not really sure of your self your backyard means its close to you, the shark represents your fear of failure. I'd say jump in the water.

Mary asks…

any place to look for stone carving help?

I have searched and searched like crazy all over the internet but i cant find anything about learning how to carve stone anywhere. As in stone i mean stone like agate, and just kinda like that. I just wanna know how to cut it and with what. and how to shape it and with what and how to make it smooth after. But there is no where that can help. some one please help me.

admin answers:

To cut it you use a saw with Diamond grit glued to the blade ,the set up is a saw running under a stream of water with a spring that slowly advances the saw blade into the stone,to shape the stone use a Diamond grinding wheel or a rock tumbler, look under the word lapidary

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