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On eBay

George asks…

What film:young girl is kidnapped, another girl is in a cell place and she saw her dad fall under a train?

I remember that the mother had a broken leg and that the last few scenes had something to do with going somewhere on a boat and then to a graveyard where they dug up the body of a man who had a precious stone or something. The girl from the cell wrote down the number of the body but she had written it the wrong way round - please help 🙂 x

admin answers:

That's Don't Say A Word.

Stars Brittany Murphy as the young woman who say her father pushed on a train tracks, Michael Douglas as her new psychiatrist who's daughter is kidnapped by the man who killed Brittany's father. Famke Janssen plays Michael Douglas's wife who broke her leg.


Ken asks…

Looking for REAL Jewelry that is young and fashion-forward?

I'm 21 and not a fan of classic style jewelry as I feel it looks too stuffy and old. I'm trying to find jewelry made out of real precious stones and real precious metals that is fun, unique and young, but I've yet to have much luck. Does anyone know of any jewelry companies that make different and cool jewelry? Any links would be much appreciated.

admin answers:

Juicy couture

its young adn cute [:

Helen asks…

What are the 3 coolest, best looking gemstones?

Mine go...

1. Peridot
2. Blue Topaz
3. Aquamarine

I also like Rubies and Amethysts.

Semi-precious stones are included.

I don't know how it's a question about Europe. That's just where Yahoo! Answers suggsted I put it so i put it there. Last time I didn't put it where Yahoo! Answers wanted me to put it I never got any answers. And another time where I put it in a different place it got removed.

admin answers:

1. Diamond
2. Emerald
3. Ruby

I have an August birthday, so I should like the Peridot, but it is not my favorite. I do like topaz and aquamarine (my grandma's birthday) too. In fact, I like all stones--precious and semi-precious. Jade is neat too.

Linda asks…

I need some help with ideas on how to sell my valuables, does anyone know about options other than eBay?

I have lots of jewelry, I purchased over the years, I also made a lot myself, (semi-precious stones)
I was going to open up a store with some antiques, fine florals, and other creations of mine, however someone discouraged me from doing it (because of the economy) and now I've been stuck with all these things for more than two years, I urgently need to sell them, not just get rid of them, they are expensive, (have used ebay and hasn't worked, I really hate ebay)

Other than yard sales does anyone have any good ideas on how I can sell them, some framed art most of it ranges btwn $500 to over $ 1000 dls., I can't sell it at fleemarkets. Please help, I've been to some stores looking into consignments, but people don't take them.

admin answers:

You need to try to rent a place from someone at least half the place, or 1/4 look for some more options on consginments, people that will take them.

Laura asks…

What woman would want a fake diamond for their wedding ring, anybody?

or, would you much rather not have a diamond and instead have another semi-precious stone instead?
or just a rock or crystal? etc..?
or none at all?

what do/would you say and why or why not?


admin answers:

Maybe because it wouldn't be such a loss if it's stolen or damaged...There are some good synthetics out there now, and most people can't tell the difference. Having another kind of stone is actually more unique, most royal wedding rings include both. It also doesn't matter if it's a huge diamond if the clarity is low, so some smaller diamonds are worth more.

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