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Robert asks…

What type of Beads are warn by Jiang Shi in Chinese movies?

I am looking for the beads used in the below 2 photos.

I am thinking it might be these, though I'm not sure

Any thoughts?

admin answers:

They are almost assuredly Shu Zhu or Buddhist prayer beads. These beads are often adorned on dead bodies so a zombie would be wearing them if resurrected

Linda asks…

What type of beads are warn by Jiang Shi?

I am looking for the beads used in the below 2 photos.

I am thinking it might be these, though I'm not sure

Any thoughts?

admin answers:

I couldn't open your first photo.

However, the second photo appears to have the character wearing a Buddhist prayer necklace. They appear to be wooden (seen here: ) and not agate as shown in your ebay link.

Carol asks…

What can I use instead of a prism?

For my Science in the Elementary class, my group and I are doing the weather for our unit to teach grade schoolers. My lesson will be on rainbows and how light creates one. I found an activity using a mirror, light, and water in a bowl. Because colors and the rainbow aren't part of the activity, I want to include a prism to bounce the mirror's reflection through to try and get the rainbow. The problem is, I don't know where to find one and we start teaching next Tuesday! Is there anything I can use instead of a prism? Or where can I find one (I go to college in a small town - there's a Fred Meyer, Albertson's, Safeway, Ace Hardware, Radio Shack, and an agate and bead store)?
According to the lesson plan in which I found the activity, a rainbow is supposed to appear. But when I tested the experiment, all I got was the usual white reflection in the shape of the mirror. I tested it in my room with my ceiling light instead of sunlight (which the lesson calls for).

admin answers:


You can purchase inexpensive prisms there. There is also an even more inexpensive option, but I don't recall what they are called.

I believe if you use material that is similar to an overhead projector sheet, you get a very similar effect to that of a prism. There are small square sheets that you can find that, when held up to light, display colors of the rainbow.

It looks like this is what you're looking for:

You can find simpler and more inexpensive options, but you want a sheet that effectively works as a diffraction grating.

John asks…

help with backsplash for kitchen?

I am looking to fix up my kitchen bc I cannot afford a remoldel. My house was built in 1978. And is very much that style. I plan on painting my cabinets and ceilings but i have not thoroughly figured out what to do about my backsplash. It is very ugly like green agate look board my dad thinks it is melamine board ? it is very glossy and has metal edging around it. I would like to know is this something that I can sand and paint or will it reduce the protectiveness of it. If so what else could I do? and if not what to use? I like those tin tiles but find they are to expensive for my large kitchen to do all at once. being as they are like 20 bucks a square not to mention the edging and adhesive and would that adhese? I am looking for a solution for this that would last around ten years until we could do a remodel.

this is glued down on the drywall and then the counters and cabinets are installed on top or rather in front of this board

admin answers:

If you want an inexpensive idea you could try what we did. We used inexpensive floor tiles the pre stick kind. Make sure your current back splash is clean and apply right over the old stuff, removing any metal edging, or you could use sheet metal and cut it to fit with a carpenters knife and apply with an adhesive or nail gun. Just wear gloves as the cut sheet metal will be sharp. Good luck and happy remodeling

Maria asks…

How to cover my kitchen backsplash?

I am looking to fix up my kitchen bc I cannot afford a remoldel. My house was built in 1978. And is very much that style. I plan on painting my cabinets and ceilings but i have not thoroughly figured out what to do about my backsplash. It is very ugly like green agate look board my dad thinks it is melamine board ? it is very glossy and has metal edging around it. I would like to know is this something that I can sand and paint or will it reduce the protectiveness of it. If so what else could I do? and if not what to use? I like those tin tiles but find they are to expensive for my large kitchen to do all at once. being as they are like 20 bucks a square not to mention the edging and adhesive and would that adhese? I am looking for a solution for this that would last around ten years until we could do a remodel.
this is glued down on the drywall and then the counters and cabinets are installed on top or rather in front of this board

admin answers:

Tear out that ugly 70's crap, and put up tiles. They are cheap, and not hard to do. Little ones on mesh sheets look the best. With a little research and some work, you can do it yourself.

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