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Steven asks…

what color is moss agate?

I was born in June and I am a Gemini and I have been told that moss agate is my lucky stone and that I should wear a moss agate ring, but what color is moss agate??? because when I look it up on the net it comes up with a few different colors

admin answers:

It is usually a mossy green hince the name mass agate.

Ken asks…

which birthstone is the best for virgo? emerald,sapphire,patriot, moss agate?!?

i researched and researched and all but all the sites had different information so i am confused and i was hoping if someone could help me in finding the perfect birthstone. that could help me in luck,memory,self confidance, and wealth.

thank you

admin answers:

Emerald is most definitely the desired stone for either sign ruled by Mercury - Virgo or Gemini.

However the effect of gemstones should be prescribed only after reading the full chart. Also, the stone needs to be clear (no flaws) and should be set to touch the skin. Is most effective when worn on the correct finger or over the correct chakra (in this case the pinky or as a "choker" necklace).

Also the stone should be properly empowered with a manta.

Laura asks…

should i get a moss agate ring or necklace?

i was wondering if i benefit more wearing it as a necklace or ring.

admin answers:


If it's for personal use, wear as a necklace near your heart.

If it's to affect others, wear as a ring, preferably of raw or lightly polished stone and not cut too much.

(That's a rule of thumb for any medicinal stone.)

William asks…

what's the real name for "water agate"?

I just bought a bracelet and the store's tag (it was a small store in a mall, so I suppose it's rather credible) says that the bracelet was made of a stone called "water agate". Problem is, I can't seem to find what it actually is because most of the books i have and even wikipedia doesn't acknowledge a stone called "water agate". The bracelet is composed of square-shaped pieces of(i think) one type of stone, the color is green to deep green, on some pieces I can see through it when I held it up to light and on others I can't. There are spots and flecks resembling moss on the pieces but I can't really be sure if it's moss agate or not. Can somebody help me please?

admin answers:

Water Agate is the real name of the mineral, it varies in colors from a light tan to a dark purple, and comes in a variation of shapes and sizes and varies in levels of transparency, it's primarily used in Jewelry and Interior design and is one of the most sought after minerals by Contractors and Architects, it is found in the 'Stinking Waters' of Oregon and is sometimes called 'Stinking Water Agate.'

Mark asks…

Where in Chicago could I purchases healing stones & crystals, specifically for chakra work?

I am looking specifically for quartz crystal, amethyst, aventurine, citrine, sodalite, black jasper, moss agate, nephrite jade, and serpentine. Any other additions are most graciously appreciated also.

admin answers:

I get all of my crystals from Gene Jackson. I've been to many trade shows, and have found his selection to be the highest quality for the price.

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