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Thomas asks…

where are good areas to hunt agates; on glacier paths,gravel pits, or along creeks,rivers in iowa+ near by?

i am willing to travel somewhat tho my time and funds are restrictive to states surrounding iowa. would love to join another or a small group with experience hunting for whole/in the ground agates if this is available

admin answers:

I've been told that Lake Superior is a great area. I've got a few from the U.P.

Edit: I just searched agates and found some great articles on the Lake Superior area. There are also other articles on agates from other areas.

Mandy asks…

what is a good website to identify agates?

admin answers:


David asks…

Where can I find agates on the Oregon coast?

admin answers:

Looks like they've got some around Newport:

Mark asks…

I have some nice AZ agates, any advice. were to sell. What u should do to make rough agates more sell able?

admin answers:

What do your stupid rocks have to do with renting and real estate?

Ruth asks…

I want to find agates! Can you help me?

I would like to find superior agates in northern minnesota. has anyone been up there looking for them. Can you give me some ideas where to look?

admin answers:

You can check out these websites:

Also check here:

However, you might find things a little difficult, according to this woman who posted on Gardenweb

"The beaches around Lake Superior have been fairly well stripped of agates - from so many folks of like mind - over these many years. The large ones I have are all OLD, and were given to me - the largest I've ever found, and this was 12 years ago, was only the size of my thumbnail. They are GORGEOUS, but they seriously discourage rock hounds out for agates up there now on public sites. If you REALLY want to do some beach hunting, you'll need to stay at a place with their own private beach and get permission to "look around" for them. The further north you go the better luck you'll likely have"

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