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Carol asks…

What is this purple stone/crystal called?

It is small and light purple, it's a semi precious stone, and it's not an amethyst, can anyone give me any name suggestions for it? Because I have forgotten what it is called

admin answers:

February's birthstone: Amethyst

Birthstone powers: Brings peace and calm to your life

Alternative Birthstone: Bloodstone Amethyst is the birthstone for the month of February and the traditional anniversary gemstone for the sixth of marriage.

Once considered more valuable than diamonds, this member of the quartz member occurs naturally as crystals within rocks. The stones are mined in Brazil, Uruguay, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Zambia, Australia and in the mountains of Russia American amethysts are mined in Maine, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Montana and Colorado. Amethyst from Maine is usually dark with North Carolina amethyst having a bluish tint unique to that area. Amethyst can lighten if exposed to strong sunlight for a long time. When heated to 550-560 Centigrade, the color changes to dark yellow or reddish brown. (They are then called citrines. These are more richly colored and more expensive then natural citrines) Ideally deep medium purple with rose-colored flashes, amethysts generally range in hue from pale lilac to nearly black purple.

Sobering Thoughts with Amethyst
The Greeks believed that whoever wore an amethyst or drank from an amethyst cup would not become intoxicated. In fact, the word amethyst is derived from the Greek word "amethystos," meaning sober. In ancient Greece, the gemstone was associated with the god of wine, and it was common practice to serve this beverage from Amethyst goblets in the belief that this would prevent overindulgence. It was also claimed that amethyst had a sobering effect on those "drunk" on love's passion. Even today, amethyst is considered a stabilizing force for those struggling to overcome addictive behaviors. In general, the gemstone is believed to be a calming, tranquil influence that symbolizes peace.

About Amethysts -

Nancy asks…

Hollow pencils with little rocks in them? Trying to find, but don't know the name of them?

When I was a kid I had a pencil that had a hollow upper half and it was filled with little stones like tiger's eye and other semi-precious stones. I have no idea what they're called so I don't know how to find one to buy.

admin answers:

I have loads of those.

Do a search for:

pencil "miniature rock collection"

Exactly like that.

Joseph asks…

What is good name for girls in Chinese?

I just wanna know what would be a good name for gilrs?

Cuz i'm gonna use the name as my novelish character.

By the way I wanna know If the girl name means beautiful bracelet or precious stone in Chinese what would it be?

Please I really in need of help..

A million times thank you..

admin answers:

[Pinyin] [lin]

[ Formal ] beautiful jade

[Pinyin] [yu]

1. Jade/ precious stone
2. [ Formal ] ( of a woman ) fair , pure , or graceful


George asks…

I own a florist business and am in the process of sorting out a valentines day page for my website.........?

last year I named all the bouquets under fairytale princess names i.e- cinderella, snow white, sleeping beauty etc. Has anyone got any original ideas for this year?- I was thinking maybe precious stones- what do you think of this. New ideas would be more than welcome. Thanks

admin answers:

Precious stones sounds a brilliant (!) idea. Your bouquets or arrangements could for example match the stones in colour - or value. You could put notes on your website about characteristics associated with each gemstone, or legends - and birthdays. Give the customers plenty of reasons to choose your flowers.

Richard asks…

What is the name of this book?

It's a fantasy book. There's magic in it, and slaves.
The main character has her eyes replaced with precious stones, which is what gives her power to do magic and stuff. She also happens to be a slave. I don't really remember anything else about what happens in the book, but those are two pretty big points.
Does anyone know what book this is?
As far as I remember, it was a pretty thick book, and I found it in the fantasy section.

admin answers:

Could it be The Naming by Alison Croggon? Or maybe the Gor books?

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