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Chris asks…

What is the reality of precious stones in human life?

admin answers:

You want geology. This is genealogy, the study of family trees.

Robert asks…

where can i sale precious n semi precious stones in srilanka and pakistan?

admin answers:

In the huge markets and bazaars in their capital cities and tourist spots.

Helen asks…

Precious Stones found on Mountains?

Are there any precious stones that are found at high altitudes, such as on mountains, or a way for them to be found there?

admin answers:

Sometimes they are, and sometimes they aren't

I know that there is aquamarine found over 12,000 feet in a mountain in Colorado

Lizzie asks…

Why are some stones referred to as precious and others as semi-precious?

why is a diamond or a ruby considered precious where as an amethist is only considered semi-precious?

admin answers:

This is a totally outdated description for stones and has, in fact, been banned from use by most of the worlds gemstone traders and jewellers associations.
For example by the old method chrysoberyl is classed as semi-precious however alexandrite (the colour change variety of chrysoberyl) can sell for $25,000 per carat - which is hardly "semi" by any standard.

Michael asks…

Q for the ladies-When you are proposed to Does it have to be a Diamond?Are other precious stones acceptable?

admin answers:

Of course! You just want to take into account durability if the ring will be worn every day for a lifetime. Any kind of sapphire or ruby is an excellent choice.

This is a really good article on engagement rings and their possibilities:

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