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Donald asks…

How do I become a vendor supplying precious building stones (like marble, limestone, granite) in the US?

While on an assignment outside of the US, I came across a supplier of precious building stones (granite, marble etc.). The quarry is just a few miles from my hotel. I went to look at it 2 weeks ago. It is amazing

Can someone advice me on how I can become a supplier or vendor in the US? I will be returning to the US once this gig is over in 3 months or so. I intend to engage in this venture as soon as I return to the States

admin answers:

Like all businesses, you have to get the proper licenses, local and state, and if you have employeees, you have to get a Federal Tax number. Then you have to find a place to operate out of. This is no small venture, it takes a person with some business know how. If this is your first try at opening a business, I would seek some advice first before doing anything.

Steven asks…

Is it true that semi precious and precious stones have healing powers?

There are many books about this which tell you what to do and how to use the stones etc. But is there an element of truth in this because I don't want to invest a lot of my time (and some of my money) in this for it to turn out to be useless.
Also they say to 'channel' your crystal by saying out loud what you want it to do and creating a vision of this, but doesn't that sound a bit easy? And what different would it make if you say it or think it?

admin answers:

I'm afraid it's total and utter nonsense of the highest order.

Crystals are inert lumps of rock. There's really no difference between them and any other piece of rock apart from a few chemical differences and the fact that crystals tend to be translucent and quite pretty.

Crystals: They're not used in hospitals or by doctors for a very good reason, they don't work.

Sharon asks…

In Dream, 2 Precious-Stones (a Red & a Blue) broke to pieces. What it means ?

Last night, in my dream, Two Precious-Stones slipped out of my Hand, fell on floor & broke into numerous pieces. One of them was dark-Red (unrecognizable) & the other was sky-Blue coloured (I have this 1 with Me in realife & its intact).

What can it possibly mean?

admin answers:

Dreams mean different things to everyone, but I think it could possibly mean:

two important matters are represented by 2 precious stones,
they are different because they are different colors,
and you fear of letting them go because they might break?

Well it's a very interesting dream but no one can know for sure what it means except for you 🙂

Mandy asks…

Has anyone ever gone mining for gemstones or precious stones in NC or anywhere in the US?

I have seen several shows on the Travel Channel about mining for gemstones or finding fossils and some of it looks like fun. Just curious if anyone has tried it. Might like to try it on vacation.

admin answers:

We have "mined" for gemstones several places in the country, and NC is one of the best. The western part of the state has a lot of old mines, and places you can go to tour or mine.

Franklin NC, in the Cowee valley, is a great place to start. There are a variety of "mines", ranging from the very tourist oriented (great if you have kids) to the more "natural" settings, where the ore is not salted. The latter places usually use tailings from the original mines, and you can purchase buckets of this material to search through in the onsite troughs, using the flowing water to separate out the interesting rocks.

There are also a lot of places to see relating to the mines, including a nice museum, and many lapidary places that you can pay to polish anything you may find, or even set the material into jewelry. If you enjoy rock hunting, the Franklin area is a really fun place to visit!

I must say that it's just for fun. The odds of finding anything truly valuable is rather remote, regardless of what the treasure-hunting shows tell you on TV. This is not to disparage the concept, it's still very fun. We have gone back several times.

One other place I would mention is in Arkansas, interesting because it's the only real diamond mine in the US, a very rare geological oddity in Murfreesboro. This is where the Crater of Diamonds state park is located. It used to be a real diamond mine, producing some nice gemstones. It was purchased by Arkansas and turned into a state park, where you can go and look for diamonds yourself. Anything you find is yours to keep, and every year quite a few nice diamonds are found. This is another fun place to visit.

Donna asks…

Are there any precious orange stones?

I have this ring, and I know it's fake, but it has this deep orange stone in it. I think it's really gorgeous and I was wondering if there were any real deep orange stones. I'm writing a story and I would love to use the stone in it, but I want it to be a really precious stone. Like really rare. If you could help that would be awesome. Thanks. =)

admin answers:

Some topaz stones are deep orange. There's also fire opal.

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