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Sandy asks…

What do you want? A gate or agate?

admin answers:

A gate. Preferably one that lead to another world.

Ruth asks…

tell me about agate(result)...ok?

[email protected]

admin answers:

As soon as I find out.

Sharon asks…

Is AGATE is second strongest material ever found?

In Physical balance i found a triangle shaped material on which the balancing rods rests.. My Physics teacher told it is one of the strongest material after Diamond! I just want to clarify about that!

admin answers:

Ok, agate is layered chalcedony, with a Moh's hardness of 8. Corundum (ruby, topaz, emerald, etc....) is the hardest mineral after diamond with a Moh's hardness of 9.

Easy to confuse, not the same thing. Agate is Not the hardest mineral after diamond.

Strongest? There are lots of minerals with a tensile strength greater than diamond. Plenty of minerals which are less brittle. So, that's a possibility.

Sandra asks…

Talkers with God, Have you noticed its squint agate eyes?

admin answers:

Is this a SciFi creature?

Charles asks…

Is the Oregon Coast a good place for finding agates and fossils?

Specifically Newport, Or or Florance, Or?

admin answers:


you might have a hard time because they would be either in a restricted scientific study area or half way down a cliff

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