Answers To Your Questions About Precious Stones Commands

Mary asks…

history help..?

single working mother
please help me finish this..
thank you so much
best answer ten points

1: The two main Ingredients of the U.S. Economy are:
natural resources and land
land and labor
natural resources and labor
land and money

2: The gross domestic product measures the total _____ of goods and services in a given year.

3: The American free enterprise system emphasizes:
public ownership
private ownership
both public and private ownership
not enough information

4: _______, the benefit from printing money.
None of the above

5: A policy is referred to as _______ if it reduces the size of the money supply or raises the interest rate. An _______ policy increases the size of the money supply, or decreases the interest rate.
contractionary, expansionary
expansionary, contractionary
fiscal, monetary
monetary, fiscal

6: During the 1870-1920 period the industrialized nations set up _______, with one of the last being the Federal Reserve in 1913.
credit unions
gold reserves
central banking systems
private banking systems

7: When used as part of a commodity money system, which of the following is not a function of paper currency?
to reduce the danger of transporting gold
to reduce the possibility of debasement of coins
to avoid the reduction in circulating medium to hoarding and losses
to avoid the decrease in value of precious stones

8: The gold standard, in theory, limits the power of governments to cause _______ by excessive issue of paper currency.
price inflation
wealth and poverty

9: The Mundell-Fleming Model describes the behavior of ______ under a gold standard.
the economy
stocks and bonds
all of the above

10: Approximately ____ of all above-ground gold is held in reserves by central banks.

11: In the United States, the Federal Reserve can only directly set the discount rate; it engages in open market operations to alter the federal funds rate.

12: The United States is often described as a "command" economy.

13: When products become more expensive over time, deflation is occurring.

14: Profit is also known as net income.

15: A currency board is a monetary authority which is required to maintain an exchange rate with a foreign currency.

16: Wholesale is the purchase of individual items at a higher price, whereas retail is the purchase of large quantities of goods at a lower price.

17: The gold standard is a monetary system in which the standard economic unit of account is a fixed weight of gold.

18: Monetary policy is the economic term which describes the actions of a government in setting the level of public expenditure and how that expenditure is funded. It contrasts with fiscal policy, which describes the policies about the supply of money to the economy.

19: In 1997, the wealthiest one-fifth of American families accounted for 47.2 percent of the nation's income.

20: The antitrust law seeks to strengthen market forces so that direct regulation is unnecessary.
Answer 4

admin answers:

3.private ownership
6.central banking system
8.price inflation
12. False

Sandra asks…

Two new additions to periodic table of elements ??joke?

Element name: WOMAN
Symbol: WO
Atomic weight: (don't even go there)
Physical properties: Generally round in form. Boils at nothing and may freeze at any time. Melts whenever treated properly. Very bitter if mishandled.
Chemical properties: Very active. Highly unstable. Possesses strong affinity with gold, silver, platinum, and precious stones. Volatile when left alone. Able to absorb great amounts of exotic food. Turns slightly green when placed next to a shinier specimen.
Usage: Highly ornamental. An extremely good catalyst for dispersion of wealth. Probably the most powerful income reducing agent known.
Caution: Highly explosive in inexperienced hands.

Element Name: MAN
Symbol: XY
Atomic Weight: (180+/-50)
Physical properties: Solid at room temperature, but gets bent out of shape easily. Fairly dense and sometimes flaky. Difficult to find a pure sample. Due to rust, aging samples are unable to conduct electricity as easily as young samples.
Chemical properties: Attempts to bond with WO any chance it can get. Also tends to form strong bonds with itself. Becomes explosive when mixed with KD (Element: Child) for prolonged periods of time. Neutralize by saturating with alcohol.
Usage: None known. Possible good methane source. Good specimens are able to produce large quantities on command.
Caution: In the absence of WO, this element rapidly decomposes and begins to smell.

admin answers:


I have missed you since I got trolled...glad I found you again!!

James asks…

Is it Ironic that the "Dean of Arabic Literature" is an atheist?

Taha Hussein wrote : “I had worshiped the Devil” poem :
I thought you are the deceiver and that you guide who you want

Harmful hateful and humiliating for the arrogance of pride

Powerful bass to the people not subtle and cunning

Cut off hands of thieves and stone the bodies of women

you uphold justice by the sword and your justice is by bloodshed

if you are the creator of the killers tell me where is the God of the weak

If you were the creator of all why did you deprive some of them from living

What to reap the murder of non-demolition and yard

Do you worship a butcher that crushes innocent livers?

or I worshiped the devil who send us the seal of the prophets

Calculated the Paradise for the mujahideen where the powerful will live

Dates and grapes and figs and rivers of wine of the pious

Best haven for hungry who lived in the desert

and beds made of a precious ruby stones , and virgins, singing

We are faithful lovers came to fulfill their demands, waiting to obey any command

Praise God our best and see how God’s reward

Is paradise struggle and shout and penetration without flexion (endless sex)

The virgin will be replaced as soon as she loses her virginity

Renewed poplar previously married and you’re a virgin you Balrfa

Did I worship a pimp playing with fools minds

or did I worship the devil who send us the seal of the prophets
@ Donna : he is talking about that he used to worship a bad God or a bad religion ( the religion of peace)
Dean = Master and not a the dean of a College

admin answers:


William asks…

Is it Ironic that the "Greatest Arabic Literature writer" is an atheist?

sorry I had to re-write my question so it make sense to those who only read "Harry Potter"
PS : Devil in the poem refer the God Of Islam not the real devil

Taha Hussein wrote : “I had worshiped the Devil” poem :
I thought you are the deceiver and that you guide who you want

Harmful hateful and humiliating for the arrogance of pride

Powerful bass to the people not subtle and cunning

Cut off hands of thieves and stone the bodies of women

you uphold justice by the sword and your justice is by bloodshed

if you are the creator of the killers tell me where is the God of the weak

If you were the creator of all why did you deprive some of them from living

What to reap the murder of non-demolition and yard

Do you worship a butcher that crushes innocent livers?

or I worshiped the devil who send us the seal of the prophets

Calculated the Paradise for the mujahideen where the powerful will live

Dates and grapes and figs and rivers of wine of the pious

Best haven for hungry who lived in the desert

and beds made of a precious ruby stones , and virgins, singing

We are faithful lovers came to fulfill their demands, waiting to obey any command

Praise God our best and see how God’s reward

Is paradise struggle and shout and penetration without flexion (endless sex)

The virgin will be replaced as soon as she loses her virginity

Renewed poplar previously married and you’re a virgin you Balrfa

Did I worship a pimp playing with fools minds

or did I worship the devil who send us the seal of the prophets

admin answers:

No, it isn't.
Taha Hussain wasn't the only one to write similar things, many great Arabic writers and scientists, even Islamic scholars have had similar periods in their lives, like Tawfiq al Hakim, Yusuf Idris, Dr Mustafa Mahmoud and many others.

It was a product of their hard thinking and consideration of the world around them, taking into mind the environment they lived in, Taha Hussain for example, lived in poverty, which was the reason for losing his eyesight, he felt oppressed and expressed these feelings in his book, The Days. But Taha Hussain who wrote that poem, is the same Taha Hussain who wrote the book, Alwa'adul Haq/True Promise later on, the book which sheds light on some important issues on the faith of a believer and presents important highlights for every Muslim, including all aspects of public and private life.

This is the so called, ripening of personality and thinking, all this really adds to the rich Arabic literature.
Arabic literature is not a soul ownership of Muslims, it's totally wrong!, christians have added much to the Arabic literature than one may imagine, read to Jubran Khalil Jubran, Khalil Mutran, Bishara Khori to see how much they were brilliant and talented!

Ken asks…

Does it do to leave the Veranda Doors Open during a warm night?

"La la la . . . .wah wah! Wooooeeeeee!"
The exquisite sounds permeated through my ears, sailed along the pipes and rendered my slumbered mind into wakefulness. Blinking, I sat up and headed towards the open double windows, the drapes billowed softly and the cool night air beckoned me towards the Veranda. Cast in the light of a full Moon was the most beseechingly and beautiful creature ever to grace my tired and bloodshot eyes.
Standing gracefully on a Grecian Plinth in the centre of the lawn, her Raven hair swirling as if under water, the Lunar reflections cast Cobalt blue hues on her heavenly figure which shimmered in a rich assortments of gold and precious stoned adjournments as she moved her six slender arms with a . . . . what?

Six arms! As I scrambled down the stairs to take a closer look and witness this miraculous apparition. Her body as black as you like, her almond eyes wide and majestic as she flicked her legs and moved towards me with a hypnotic awfulness. Then came the singing that enraptured me from slumber, I found I was rooted to the ground, so wondrous was her song voice which held me fast by magic.
"BEHOLD!" She roared. "I am the consort of Shiva! Kali! Kalika! Bhavatarini! Slayer of Raktabija! And I'm come for you, mortal. . . prepare your soul for torment, Earth Bound insect. . . "

And so, grasping me with a strength one can only expect from a Goddess, I blubbered and howled as she set about her foul tortures.
In a head lock I was, as one of her six hands knuckled my scalp. Another pulled the hairs out of my nose, another tweaked my cheek, another pulled on the tufts of hair by my temples. The pain was excruciating, just when I thought I was up for this World, she rolled me on the grass wet with dew and began to waggle her terrible multi fingered terrors over my frame tickling my ribs and sending me to conniptions of rages as she waggled her digits in my arm pits!
"KALI!" Came this voice. It was Dr Dharuna! A noted and eminent Surgeon and widely respected all round Quack, two doors down from me. "Stay your hand Kali, I revoke your stay here and send thee back to your realm, do as I bid!"
I have to confess, such was his authority and command, the terrible yet beautiful Goddess stood up and proudly decreed his wishes, before letting off a terrible and long raspberry at us and vanished into thin air!
Was I flummoxed at these turn of events? To be sure I was, mark me.

Turning to thank the Doctor, he grasped me with a strangely apologetic look on his furrowed face.
"Forgive me VG," says he. "I'm afraid this is all my doing."
Turned out, he had a frightful argument with his good Lady Wife, something about forgetting to take her to see a sterling performance of The Phantom of the Opera in the West End. He'd clean forgot see, and went to a doctor's do in a posh Club in Regal Street and came home rip roaring drunk. Naturally behooved. . his Wife invoked the Wrath of Kali on him, as he slobbered and urinated in her precious tropical fish tank having mistaken it for a toilet. As one does.
Imagine the surprise when her invocation came true, what?
Certainly had me reaching for a Brandy!

admin answers:

Oddly enough Jives had a similar experience when he was bulter for Perry , only with an Abominable snow man, well so he thought. Turns out the snow man was a hermaphrodite and took a shine to our Jives. Well needless to say help is hard to find when one is in those Northern climes and all the dogs are ate up so Perry put a solid shot right between the love struck creatures eyes. The only time I ever observed Jives show a sign of emotion, a single tear. I rather think that's around the time he came to butler for me, all those many years ago. Makes a dandy foot stool when his other duties are finished for the day. Jives, more wood on the fire please and top up my gin fizzy!

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