Answers To Your Questions About Chalcedony

John asks…

what category does chalcedony fall in? PLEASE HELP ME!?

is it a metamorphic rock, sedimentary, igneous.....or what is it. (those were just examples)
omg please help guys i really need this for a report and i can't find the info on my search engine!

admin answers:

It is actually a chemical sedimentary rock, but it can be found in sedimentary rocks, igneous rocks, and even metamorphic rocks as a secondary deposit, since it forms by chemical precipitation from fluids.

It is microcrystalline or cryptocrystalline quartz, with crystals of less than 30 microns in diameter. It may also contain amorphous (non-crystalline) quartz as in opal. Chalcedony is seldom called by its mineral name, and is often called by the names of its various varieties which include agate, amberine, bloodstone, jasper, carnelian, chert, chrysoprase, onyx, and more.

To convince you that I am correct (and to convince myself, as this is actually a tough question) here is what the USGS says about it: (I quote)
"Chemical sedimentary rocks are deposited directly from a saturated solution. Such rocks are usually identified by their composition and/or texture. Common minerals in chemical sedimentary rocks are calcite, dolomite, gypsum, halite, hematite, and silica (chalcedony). "

From: http://pasadena.wr.usgs.gov/office/given/geo1/pdfs/GEO1_L11SEDRX.pdf

Michael asks…

Is any part of the Definition of Chalcedony correct?

The Definition of Chalcedony is an early Christian declaration regarding the nature of Christ. A good answer would include a restatement which is correct (Not conforming to dogma, but true).


admin answers:

The Council of Chalcedon upheld the Christian belief in the nature of Christ. Of course it is also where we get the old saying "not an iota's difference...". The sad case is that that iota caused a split between the (then) Western and Oriental Churches. Sadly, they all agreed in principle but they could not resolve the language differences.

But yes, the Council of Chalcedon was correct on the nature of Christ.

Helen asks…

Where can I buy a teardrop Chalcedony pendant? example inside?

I want to buy a Chalcedony like this one:
I WILL BUY IT FROM AMAZON , I WANT MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i'm asking for TEARDROP (shape) CHALCEDONY (stone)

admin answers:


Chris asks…

What exactly are the differences among chert, flint and jasper?

I mean according to what I read they are ALL "mainly" chalcedony. Flint is apparently "better" somehow than chert, and is found in chalk rather than harder limestone. What is that other stuff that evidently differentiates these from chalcedony and one another?
thank you punk rock, and nice name. I guess then that ALL "colorful" ones are jasper then, such as green jasper and yellow jasper? If it's boring it's chert/flint.

admin answers:

flint is a dark grayish
'chert is a light grayish to whitish
jasper is banded, usually reddish in color

these colors are due to impurities in the stone

Mark asks…

Anyone know of any good online bead supplies store?

I've started to make earrings and I was wondering if anyone knew of any online store that had a good selection of glass, chalcedony, or Swarovski crystal beads in addition to wires, chains, and links. Any leads will be appreciated. Thanks!

admin answers:

Fire Mountain


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